
Welcome to my blog. This is a journal of things in my life during the adoption process. If you want to start at the beginning you need to read backwards. What this means is go to the archives (January 2006) and read through to current time. I enjoy reading your comments, so please post your thoughts for me to read. Colette

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Squatty Potty

Don’t laugh at me for taking this picture. I just had to. This was a first for me. When was your first time (talking to all females) peed in one of these? They are called "squatty potties". Yes, it is as bad as it looks. I was told that this was a "clean one". Bob said "what’s the big deal?" Guess men are just use to this.


Anonymous said...

How did the "squatty potty" work?!?


danacroy said...

Can I use this photo? I am cracking up and would love to use it on my website to show our friends and family!

Dana Croy