
Welcome to my blog. This is a journal of things in my life during the adoption process. If you want to start at the beginning you need to read backwards. What this means is go to the archives (January 2006) and read through to current time. I enjoy reading your comments, so please post your thoughts for me to read. Colette

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Process to make a baby paper ready.

1. When a child is found, the local police conduct an investigation and the local adoption center assists in placing the child in an orphanage.

2. The department of civil affairs make an announcement in the adoption of abandoned infants and children whose biological parents can not be ascertained or found. The finding ads are in place for 3 months.

3. Once the 3 month period is over, the orphanage director and the local adoption center prepare the child's abandonment certificate, birth certificate, medical report, orphanage report and the child's daily schedule.

4. The child's paperwork is sent to the CCAA to be processed and then matched to a family's dossier.

Not all children are abandoned at birth. This can affect how old the child is at referral time. Also, it is up to each orphanage director to determine which children's paperwork will be gathered and sent to the CCAA. They refer children as young as 6, 7, 8... months old.

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