
Welcome to my blog. This is a journal of things in my life during the adoption process. If you want to start at the beginning you need to read backwards. What this means is go to the archives (January 2006) and read through to current time. I enjoy reading your comments, so please post your thoughts for me to read. Colette

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I have been meaning to talk about Olivia's vocabulary. She says: Mama, Daddy, Mah (Megan), Nana, Juju, ball, bellie, bear, hi, hello, pup, up, more, bottle,and bye. I'm sure there are more I just can't think of any right now. Plus Olivia does animal noises. She does the sound or movement for dog, cow, fish, sheep, bird, bear and elephant.

When we are with other people Olivia clams up and is very quiet. We need to get her on film so people really believe she does talk. She is so cute!

1 comment:

Sofie said...

Same here - Sofie clams up some. But after awhile she will start to come out of her shell. She is really a little chatterbox. A lot of the time I'm not so sure what she is chattering about - but can usually grasp an occasional word. It goes something like: ba ba blah boyo me ma mo DUCK! or Gobeldy gook, gobledygook, CAR!