
Welcome to my blog. This is a journal of things in my life during the adoption process. If you want to start at the beginning you need to read backwards. What this means is go to the archives (January 2006) and read through to current time. I enjoy reading your comments, so please post your thoughts for me to read. Colette

Saturday, June 02, 2007

We are the lucky ones.

So many people have said to me "she is so lucky to have you for parents" , " she will have a wonderful life", "she wont remember any of the first year" "her life begins with you" etc….

My first response is "I am the lucky one". Which I still totally believe. But then I started thinking about the one where everyone thinks I got a baby without any baggage. You want to think that and you hope to think that. But let’s be realistic. She had 11 ½ months of life without us. Who are we to say her life started with us?

There are days that I fall into that category (her life started with us). I am amazed at what she is doing. I think I have a brilliant child in my care. What "my care". She is mine ‘right’? I still have to pinch myself to remind me that she is my daughter. MY DAUGHTER. I still can’t believe that. I love Olivia so much already and we have only had her in our life for 3 months. I asked Bob if he feels the same way and he said he does. I have heard other people say they can’t remember their life before their child. But I sure do. I remember all of those years of trying to have another child. Losing Rachel and my arms aching for a baby to hold. Then adoption and the waiting and the waiting.

I am reminded of her life before. The falling down and not crying, shoving food in her mouth like it is her last meal, the blank stares of not wanting to connect with others, playing for an hour in her crib by herself etc. etc. etc…

Olivia did have a life before I got her and for me to think she didn’t isn’t fooling anyone. I just hope I know what to do at the right time. I pray to God that I make the right decisions and be the best mom to Olivia that she deserves.

Back to the statement "Olivia is so lucky to have you for parents". I totally disagree. We are the lucky ones. Everyday that I have her in my life has been a blessing from God. Olivia has brought so much joy to our lives. We are the lucky ones.



OziMum said...

I like to think that the families and the child are both the lucky ones!!! Although... I don't think it's got very much to do with "luck" at all!

I think it's more about blessing. You are a huge blessing to her, and she is a huge blessing to you! See! Perfect match!

Anonymous said...

All of your lives and our's have been blessed with Olivia! She is a blessing and so are all of you!

Love, Julie

Sofie said...

I love this post. I could keep going on and on on this subject. The part that I always think about when people say Sofie is so lucky - is the circumstances she had to endure to get here. No baby is lucky to be abandoned. I also think all kids deserve a family. They shouldn't be "lucky" to have one. On the other hand I understand why people say that Olivia is lucky. It is meant to be a nice compliment to you - her parents. They just are not considering the whole situation - they see how happy Olivia is and how she is thriving with her new family. I still can't believe how "lucky" we both are to have been given these fabulous daughters to love and raise. We worked really hard to get here - but it still seems miraculous to me.

Sofie said...

By the way - we were watching the video from China and I loved watching them hand over Olivia - she is really a beautiful girl.